- Published in Nature, Gordon Shepherd, MD, DPhil coins the term “Neurogastronomy,” to describe a discipline of the biochemistry of food preparation, the molecular biology of the olfactory receptors, and the knowledge of odor images and the brain flavor system. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v444/n7117/pdf/nature05405.pdf
- Gordon Shepherd, MD, DPhil introduces the book Neurogastronomy, published by Columbia University Press.
- Society and Conference constructs are formed in a meeting of Frédéric Morin and Dan Han, PsyD in Montreal, QC, Canada.
- Tim McClintock, PhD invents the KY Assay for studying odorant receptors.
- The International Society of Neurogastronomy (ISN) is formed by leading representatives from fields of culinary arts, agriculture and food technology, clinical sciences, and basic sciences.
- ISN Mission Statement is formed.
- ISN holds its inaugural board meeting and symposium at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine and UK HealthCare.
- Dan Han, PsyD introduces the concept of “Clinical Neurogastronomy” as an applied clinical translational discipline of Neurogastronomy.
- ISN’s first officer election.
- An R13 conference grant is awarded to support the 2016 ISN Symposium by the National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.
- Dan Han, PsyD introduces the concept of “Flavor Economics” as an application of Neurogastronomy for global health and food sustainability.
- A multi-year R13 conference grant is awarded to support the future ISN symposia by the National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.